About We3C


We3C is a US nonprofit organization headquartered in the United States that was founded by a group of diverse individuals from the United States, the MENA region, and Europe. Our primary objective is to encourage civic engagement and empowerment by promoting democratic values and fostering sustainable change. The founders envisioned an organization that would address the challenges of civil society organizations, individuals, and communities. We3C strives to create strong and resilient communities by providing resources, training, capacity building, and support. Our team of dedicated staff and volunteers work tirelessly to ensure that our programs and activities are carried out effectively.


The vision of We3C is a world where active civic engagement is fostered across borders, empowering individuals and communities to become active agents of change. Through sharing knowledge and best practices, democracy and justice are reinforced, and inequalities are dismantled. We3C advocates for accessible civic education for all, where empowered citizens stand shoulder-to-shoulder, weaving a symphony of progress and creating a legacy of sustainable change that echoes across generations.


The mission of We3C is to spark and sustain vibrant civic life across Africa, the Middle East, and beyond, where communities and institutions become empowered weavers of resilient, equitable, and sustainable societies. Our team achieves this by elevating the practice of active citizenship, by nurturing the knowledge, skills, and values that enable individuals to engage meaningfully in their communities and advocate for their rights, and by empowering local actors to identify solutions, mobilize resources, and build collaborative networks for collective impact. Together, We Can Create Change.


At We3C, a set of values guides our actions and decisions that are critical as they hold us accountable and help us build trust in our network. Our organization is dedicated to respecting all individuals and treating them with dignity. Honesty and ethical behavior are of utmost importance in all our dealings, whether internal or with partners, participants, or funders. We firmly believe in the value of equality and are dedicated to providing everyone with the same opportunities and rights without any form of discrimination. We understand that diversity is an asset and strive to create an inclusive and welcoming environment. We believe in open communication, transparency, and collaboration to create sustainable networks built on authentic partnerships. By working together, we can achieve greater success and positively impact the world.

What We Do

Our initial projects are focused on high-priority regions such as the Middle East, North Africa, West Africa, and the Sahel, based on our vast experience. Our projects encompass a variety of expertise and support for program beneficiaries. Eligibility for our services is determined by need and the degree of alignment with our vision, mission, and values. The frequency of our activities is subject to the projects’ requirements and funding terms and conditions.


Our advisory services are tailored to different regions, ensuring a personalized approach that meets the unique needs of each territory. Our services are critical in addressing global challenges by focusing on specific geographic areas and countries. We develop comprehensive strategies that leverage our extensive network of consultants and in-house expertise. Our broad network of advisors enables us to deliver a responsive and adaptable response to the diverse challenges facing communities in the focus regions.


We have established a robust network of experts and forged strategic partnerships and campaigns in both targeted countries and broader spheres of influence. By proactively tackling pressing issues, we leverage our expertise and collaborate closely with local partners. Our focal points encompass human rights, environmental sustainability, and social justice. To ensure culturally sensitivity and inclusivity, we customize our campaigns to each unique context and address specific challenges encountered by communities in targeted regions.

Capacity Development

Through our educational initiatives, we not only improve individuals’ skills, but also empower local actors to find solutions, mobilize resources, and build collaborative networks to make a positive impact together. We recognize that capacity building is key to creating lasting change, and we are dedicated to providing communities and institutions with the necessary tools to become resilient, equitable, and active contributors to societal prosperity.


We recognize that effective communication is the cornerstone of building resilient, equitable, and sustainable societies. Our experts excel in crafting communication strategies that amplify the voices of communities and institutions across Africa, the Middle East, and beyond. We offer tailored outreach campaigns, digital engagement platforms, and capacity-building workshops on effective communication techniques. Within our projects, we conduct regular communication initiatives to facilitate dialogue, share knowledge, and foster collaboration among local actors.

Community Building and Networking

In pursuit of our mission, we strongly emphasize building communities and networks that serve as the bedrock for positive societal change. Our services include organizing community-building events and programs that nurture the knowledge, skills, and values necessary for active citizenship. Moreover, we work towards creating collaborative networks by empowering local actors to identify and implement solutions to pressing issues. By mobilizing resources and facilitating dialogue, we ensure that communities become empowered weavers of change, driving collective impact and contributing to the overall well-being of the regions it serves.

Grant and Fund Management

We recognize the essential role that financial resources play in driving impactful initiatives and sustainable development. We not only provide strategic funds allocation within our projects but also extend our expertise in grants management to empower local actors and communities. Through meticulous financial planning, transparent resource allocation, and rigorous oversight, we ensure that funds are optimally utilized to address critical social issues. By offering grants and financial support, we enable local stakeholders to identify innovative solutions, mobilize resources, and establish collaborative networks that contribute to creating resilient, equitable, and sustainable societies.


We are committed to ensuring the effectiveness and impact of its projects through robust Monitoring, Evaluation, and Learning (MEL) services. Our organization recognizes the importance of systematically tracking and assessing the outcomes and progress of initiatives aimed at fostering vibrant civic life. We implement comprehensive MEL frameworks that include regular monitoring of project activities, ongoing evaluation of their impact, and a continuous learning process to adapt and improve strategies. Our MEL services involve the systematic collection and analysis of data to measure the success of community engagement, knowledge dissemination, and skills development programs.

Areas of Focus

Civic Education

Unveiling a world where quality education transcends borders and backgrounds, WE3C champions universal access. Breaking poverty’s chains and fueling social progress, we partner with educators, leaders, and communities to ensure everyone can weave education’s transformative threads into their lives. From honing teaching excellence to igniting lifelong learning, WE3C empowers individuals, unlocks potential, and builds a brighter future, one thread at a time.

Countering and Preventing Violent Extremism (CVE/PVE)

To counter the spread of dangerous ideologies, it is important to move beyond defensive measures and focus on building bridges through empowering marginalized voices, dismantling discriminatory barriers, and promoting open and inclusive dialogue. Investing in education, diversity, and community trust is essential for creating a society that values diversity and promotes peace.

Gender Equality

Championing equality, we weave a vibrant tapestry of inclusion. Where women and girls, free from violence and empowered with equal opportunities, thrive alongside men. We combat gender-based violence in all its forms and advocate for greater attention to inequalities, striving for a world where everyone’s threads shine with dignity and respect.


WE3C ignites visionary leaders – newcomers and veterans alike – with cutting-edge training, empowering education, and holistic development. These threads of leadership, woven together, drive positive change in communities, fuel global discourse, and build a brighter future for all. With visionary leaders empowered, WE3C lays the foundation for a society where progress echoes across generations.

Social Entrepreneurship

Our organization is dedicated to social entrepreneurship, focusing on addressing pressing societal issues such as poverty, inequality, and environmental degradation. We offer support to social innovators and provide opportunities to those in need by promoting sustainable practices and championing green entrepreneurs.

Youth Development and Employment

Another vital focus of our organization is to create a world wherein young individuals possess the necessary skills, knowledge, and opportunities to emerge as active and engaged members of society and effective leaders. This involves fostering a sense of responsibility in young people, imparting training and educational opportunities, and promoting civic engagement.




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