We3C is a U.S.-based nonprofit organization founded by a diverse group of individuals from the United States, the MENA region, and Europe. Inspired by a shared vision of a more just and equitable world, we are committed to empowering civil society organizations, individuals, and communities to drive positive change.


The vision of We3C is a world where active civic engagement is fostered across borders, empowering individuals and communities to become active agents of change. Through sharing knowledge and best practices, democracy and justice are reinforced, and inequalities are dismantled. We3C advocates for accessible civic education for all, where empowered citizens stand shoulder-to-shoulder, weaving a symphony of progress and creating a legacy of sustainable change that echoes across generations.


The mission of We3C is to spark and sustain vibrant civic life across Africa, the Middle East, and beyond, where communities and institutions become empowered weavers of resilient, equitable, and sustainable societies. Our team achieves this by elevating the practice of active citizenship, by nurturing the knowledge, skills, and values that enable individuals to engage meaningfully in their communities and advocate for their rights, and by empowering local actors to identify solutions, mobilize resources, and build collaborative networks for collective impact. Together, We Can Create Change.


At We3C, a set of values guides our actions and decisions that are critical as they hold us accountable and help us build trust in our network. Our organization is dedicated to respecting all individuals and treating them with dignity. Honesty and ethical behavior are of utmost importance in all our dealings, whether internal or with partners, participants, or funders. We firmly believe in the value of equality and are dedicated to providing everyone with the same opportunities and rights without any form of discrimination. We understand that diversity is an asset and strive to create an inclusive and welcoming environment. We believe in open communication, transparency, and collaboration to create sustainable networks built on authentic partnerships. By working together, we can achieve greater success and positively impact the world.

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